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God bless you in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

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Thursday, July 10, 2014


via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://ift.tt/1qONt03

Happiness comes from within and being happy with yourself. If you don’t have it together for yourself then you can’t have it together for anyone else. At the end of the day all you have is yourself so you better make sure you like what you see. You become vulnerable and your feelings can easily become hurt when you’re depending on someone else for happiness. Never let anyone have that much power over you. Always have faith in yourself and prove that you will be better than you were yesterday.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Advice for new college students!

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://ift.tt/1rO6W2K

Let’s talk about college!

So I recently just finished my freshman year of college with my major being Business Management and I thought it would be a good idea to give advice to upcoming freshman starting college based on my own experiences and things I’ve learned.

1. Class & Room Registration- Make sure you are on top of your game when it comes to registering for your classes and your dorm. They will give you a specific time and date to go online and register. For example, the time can be early in the morning such as 8am, and you have to make sure you are up and ready to press the button by at least 7:50. If you’re not ready by the specific time they give you then most likely you will not get the classes and the room that you want. Also, you should tour your campus so that when the first day of classes come around you won’t be lost. As far as worrying about what type of teacher you will have, you can ask different people on campus what type of teacher he/she is, Google them, or go to ratemyprofessor.com.

2. Roommates- Once you get your room assignment and find out who your roommate is you should try to get to know them so that way it won’t be any awkwardness. There is a 50/50 chance that you may or may not get a good roommate. In my case, I had the best roommate because we already knew of each other from high school but we weren’t close so this gave us a chance to become closer. We both realized we were alike in so many ways that we instantly clicked and now we’re like sisters.

3. Alone- College is not the way it is portrayed in the media. There will definitely be times where you will be alone with nothing to do so I suggest that you have a TV, computer, music, food, snacks, beverages and a hobby so that way you can keep yourself occupied.

4. Independent- Being in college will definitely teach you to be independent simply because your parents are not there to tell you what to do and what’s right from wrong. You have all the freedom that you want but you must be smart about it and have some standards. You will be on your own so you must make sure you take care of all of your responsibilities and have your priorities in order.

5. Knowing your major- A lot of people come to college without having any idea of what they want to do and that is perfectly fine but I suggest that you already know ahead of time. If you don’t know what you’re interested in or what you want to major in then you will be stuck taking basic general classes that is just a waste of time because at some point you will have to figure out what you want to do in life. I’m a sophomore but I’m already taking Business classes.

6. Attendance- Attendance in college is a big thing because you will miss a lot of work. My professors in the past were very quick with lessons and will talk about 2-3 different things all within the hour that we have for that class so I can’t stress enough to GO TO CLASS! Besides, we are in school for one thing and that’s to get our work done so we can graduate and move on to the next part of our life. Also, if you’re a party person that’s always going out at night then I suggest you schedule your classes for noon instead of early 8am or 9am classes because it will be a struggle to get out of bed for class.

7. Social life- Do not isolate yourself in college! The easiest way to not make friends is to not talk to anyone and not leave the room. From my personal experience I know that I’m a very shy person and I’m not the type to just go up to people and start a conversation but I knew that I was going to be unfamiliar with my environment and people for awhile unless I opened up and stepped out of my comfort zone. It took me a while but I did it and I became friends with a lot of good people in college. So I say just try and chat, exchange numbers, join different clubs so that you can get involved and know people and not feel like you are alone.

8. Classes- In class, you want your teacher to know you so do not sit in the back of the classroom. I suggest you communicate with them and ask/answer questions especially in classes that you struggle in. Go up to them after class and introduce yourself, they will understand and try their best to help you. If you need additional help, find out about any tutoring sessions your campus may have. Do not procrastinate on doing your work because you will become stressed out and feel overwhelmed so I say make sure you have a planner with all of your tests and due dates. Study Study Study! In high school I never studied so that means I had bad study habits when I got to college. I quickly learned that studying is so important and helpful and it makes your life so much easier as far grades are concerned.

I think I have covered mostly everything that I could think of. I hope I helped the upcoming freshmen that are going to be starting college this fall. If I missed anything or if there is anything that you want my opinion on, feel free to comment! :)

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Now or Never

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://ift.tt/Vj1jfx

Sometimes people can be so harsh and mean to others and it can hurt a lot of feelings in the process. People are super opinionated that they don’t even stop to realize that what they’re saying can affect someone. This is why people in the world hold back on their talents and dreams because they are so worried about approval and what people will think about it. But at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter what anyone thinks or says because they aren’t you and they haven’t walked in your shoes a day in their life. The people who hate the most are the ones that are jealous and envious because they wish they were like you. So I say it’s now or never to show the world what you are made of, but also show others that they don’t have to be jealous because it’s enough opportunities for everybody. They may not like what you’re doing because they don’t understand it but it’s not for them to understand, as long as you’re happy with the way you live your life and the path that you are taking then that’s all that matters. When it’s all said and done, the only person you will have to answer to is yourself. Stay positive and work hard because it’s now or never!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happiness and Positivity

Life can be so hard and overwhelming. Sometimes a person needs to take a step back and look at life for what it really is. Think of all the beauty life has to offer and how you've came so far from where you use to be. A person's mindset has a lot to do with the way they look at life so being around positive people that only wants to be better than they were yesterday can make an important difference. Looking on the brighter side of things when there is so much negativity can only make a person stand out fro the rest because they're hopeful that things will get better. Always remember.."If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it." ~Mary Engelbreit


via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://ift.tt/1vt2Jie

Changing and learning from your mistakes are signs of growth. Life is not easy and you will go through many obstacles to get to where you want to be. It takes a motivated, determined, and passionate person to survive the difficulties of life but it will all be worth it in the end. Once you realize that you’re happy and nothing or nobody can take that away from you then that’s when you know you’ve made it. Always remember..”Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

New Season – Summer 2014!

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://ift.tt/1h6BLvE

Hello everyone!

Well, we are moving from spring to summer in 18 days! Wow! The seasonal change can be symbolic for our personal and professional lives, too. Just as we had to take necessary actions to harvest the essential foods, clothing, and much more to survive the climate changes, actions have to be taken to make progress in whatever we what for our lives! Prayers, adjustments, wise decisions, compassion, understanding, empathy, gratuity, love, and friendship are just some… However, as you noticed, prayers are first.

The weather is getting hotter. As we have had some cooler days to help us transition, or adjust, to a longer time period of heat, make sure you are taking actions and making wise decisions to be prepared for the next 3 months.

Plenty of water, shade, and balance in your work life will help aid you! Be prepared and sow good things!!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Eagle Eye Professionals, Inc. – Newsletter

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://ift.tt/1edVnGa


Eagle Eye Professionals, Inc. will be launching its electronic newsletter April 2014. It will have enriching topics, photographs, news, opportunities posted for paid and unpaid internships and freelance positions, as well as inspirations.

If you have anything you would like to have included in the newsletter, there is a section for that, as well. Just send an e-mail to info@eagleeyeprofessionalsinc.org

As always, we are here for you!!!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Achievements and Loving Them!!!

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://ift.tt/1e0KyHq

Good morning everyone!

Accomplishments create such great feelings and reinforce your purpose in life! The fruits of one’s labor can be seen in the achievements that are made!!! As a business person, it can become – somewhat – difficult to stay focused, revamp, hone ideas into manageable tasks, and continue increasing the momentum when working on goals, projects, and visions. However, when one can hyper-focus on the tasks at hand, act on each to-do-item, and stay peaceful within him/herself, achievements will happen!!

Entrepreneurialism is a complex concept. It involves the intellectual, physical, emotional, mental, social, psychosocial, and spiritual beings of any involved person. Those who can create and maintain harmony, homeostasis, and perseverance will find a deep satisfaction of oneself and of the adjoining work!

As one identifies personal and professional endeavors to carry on beliefs, projects, changes, and/or to better understand any phenomenon around, just keep on PROGRESSING!!

As my original motto on my webpage -”Love yourself and love what you do! Make it meaningful and for the benefit of all!”-

Please have a blessed and prosperous week!!

~Dr. T. Brown

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Goooood Morrrrnning Everyone!

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://blog.eagleeyeprofessionalsinc.org/?p=277

Goooood Morrrrnning Everyone! This day is full of beautiful rain hitting all that is under it. Everything is being washed, refreshed, and relieved of all the stressors of pollutants. That even means us! Thank you God in Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, and Shepherd!!! He relieves us of the emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, and social toxins that are put on us everyday. Rejoice in today!!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

What’s the most innovative idea?

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://blog.eagleeyeprofessionalsinc.org/?p=274

As I logged into the various types of business websites for entrepreneurs, I realized that so many people have dreams, visions, and ideas. Some of the ideas seem to lack originality or great substance, while others seem to be very unique. I wonder what is the most innovative idea someone has ever come up with…

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Working in My Entrepreneurial Spirit!

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://blog.eagleeyeprofessionalsinc.org/?p=270

Good morning everyone! Just sitting here working in my entrepreneurial spirit. Loving the ins and outs of my profession. The morning air, movement of coffee cups, sounds of peoples’ chatters, and music playing in the background are non-reproducible. Imparting new information, gathering new ideas, processing old notes, and savoring experiences.