via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU!
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” If one isn’t living – although alive – does that mean he is dying? If someone isn’t “feeding” his soul with goals, dreams, accomplishments, and active living, does it mean he is dying?
While most of my family has achieved so much and survived many challenges, obstacles, and valleys, as I think about some of my family and others, I realize that a few of them seemed to have stopped living – although they are alive. For example, my grandmother devoted so much of her time, love, and resources to everyone that would accept the gifts; but after they moved on, she seemed to have stopped living.
Does the cessation of inner growth cause the physical life to dwindle? How do you help someone who does not know how to rejuvenate, or reinvent themselves, or adjust to changes within life? How do you help someone to find something that will ignite and keep a fire burning within the soul? How do you help someone successfully overcome tragedies, PTSD, and other mental holds? Why do some people have an innate ability to “see beyond” sorrow and pain?
As with the soul burning for life, the brain has to burn for learning. Education keeps the soul alive. Seek knowledge, seek to master information, seek to learn from others, seek to live!!!
Tina Brown, Ph.D.