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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Disasters Of Today

via Dr. Tina - Listening to YOU! http://blog.eagleeyeprofessionalsinc.org/?p=218

Yesterday was a sad and horrifying day for Spark Middle School Nevada kids. There was a shooting at that school, by a 12-13 year old boy. He was bullied a lot and harassed, because of that he opened fire in a classroom and killed a beloved teacher and wounded 2 other kids. After he opened fire, he shot and killed himself. This is where bullying gets people and I’m telling you guys that you should STOP bullying, because bullies think it’s a joke. Well since they think that, there’s proof for you right there, in black and white. Sometimes the bullies are the ones who are getting hurt and honestly, I think they deserve what they get. If you are going to bully someone then be prepared for what’s coming your way because if the person you are bullying starts to beat you up, then you deserve that. People are starting “Anti-Bullying Programs” and that is a very good idea but we need to upgrade these programs, and make them more powerful to get through the bullies heads. Cyber-Bullying is even worse because it’s like you cant even get away from it. Don’t do it because the victim will most likely hurt or kill themselves just because you said something hurtful or even hit them. I just don’t get what people get out of bullying, how can you get joy out of seeing a person struggle. Just stop it.

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